Ideal Cities
Judith Saupper
Artist Statement
Ideal cities is an attempt to compare different cities. subjective perceptions of and in Berlin, Bucharest, New York, Rabat, Vienna and Tokyo are presented in three distinct media: inked infographics, objects, and sound collages. The diagrams, executed in Indian ink, are based on the 2016 numbers for population density, homelessness, and overcrowding for these cities. The bar charts for each city exhibit distinct hatching patterns and allow their pleasing forms to distract from the defects in urban planning and society itself. The hatching patterns in the diagrams recur in the objects: personal experiences and predilections are on display as three-dimensional objects. Ideal city #3 shows the artist's dream: no homelessness, the overcrowding quota down to zero, and population density that offers the inhabitants breathing room. six sound collages offer the most subjective access to the perceptions of the cities. Each collage is created from recordings of a particular city's typical noises.
The ideal cities project (since 2018) combines the “now” with the “after”: the starting point of each of these city projects was a stay in the respective city. Subsequently, the impressions and statistical numbers were implemented in the artistic work. In this way I can compare and check my dream and wishful vision of Tokyo with the real city. -and the project ideal cities would be a city richer again.
Artist Bio
Selection Solo Exhibitions: 2020 Rebuild Nature, DOK 20, Lustenau 2017 Raumgefüge, HDA Graz Zeitgefüge, Akademie Graz Portrait einer Landschaft, Bildraum Wien Möglichkeit Erinnerung, Straihammer & Seidenschwann Wien 2016 Portrait einer Landschaft, c/o Kunstpunkt Berlin 2014 Haus & Home, Stadtgalerie Waidhofen / Ybbs, Das Grosse Rauschen, Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen 2013 Sorgfältige Zukunftsplanung, Bäckerstrasse4, Wien 2012 Vom Grossen und vom Kleinen, DOK 20, Lustenau Selection Exhibitions: 2019 Biennale Rabat - An Instant Before The World, L’espace Expressions CDG Rabat The projective Drawing, Drawing Lab Paris Sehnsuchtsräume. Landesgalerie Niederösterreich 2018 The projective Drawing, Austrian Cultural Forum New York